Scotty Before

Scotty Before

Friday, March 1, 2013

We can rebuild him!

1976 Scotty Highlander
We can make him faster, stronger, more expensive!
Our Scotty has in the family for about 10 years. I got it from my brother 3 years ago, after he decided that it wasn't worth rennovating. After years of sitting in the driveway and bringing down property values, we decided that it was now or never: fix it up or get rid of it -- then another year went by. My kids will be to big to sleep in it soon and we will be too embarassing to camp with anyway. I figure we've got 2 or 3 years before that window closes, so this past weekend, we dug in.

I'm documenting it so that other will benefit from our pain. Great resources at the NSSO and SSCE Scotty owner groups, but there are always a few other things that you need to know. I've benefitted greatly from everyone in the groups and hope to provide similar support for the next guy.

I really just wanted to repair the interior water damage and get out in it. But there was pretty extensive damage and it was clear that exterior patches and fixes by previous owners hadn't worked. If we wanted to camp in it, we had to remove the skin, rip out the bad stuff and put it back together. I would love to do a frame-up restore, but I really don't have the time. It's a constant balancing act to decide how deep to dig versus how soon we can be on the road. For now, the plan is to repair all leaks, paint it, freshen up the inside, and get out there. I hope we can get it going before the summer season.

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